Why Your Dog Loves You
We all love our pets, but how do we know that our pets love us? After years of research, neuroscientists are finally starting to answer some of these questions. They have translated barks and tail wags so that humans are more able to comprehend what their pet is trying to tell them. The canine brain has the same structures that produce emotions in humans. They have the same hormones and undergo the same chemical changes that humans do during emotional states. In fact, their brains secrete the hormone oxytocin, which in humans is involved with love and affection.
Much like a human toddler, a dog experiences emotions such as joy, fear, anger, disgust, excitement, contentment, distress, and even love. They are even capable of laughing (although typically do so when they are playing) - I don't mean physical laughing, but a sound that is reminiscent of panting in certain patterns.
You can tell if your dog respects and loves you by how they interact with you. When their tail is happily wagging, ears laid back, and their body language is submissive when you come home from work, this is one sign your pet respects you. Lip licking, grooming, and "kisses" on your cheek are another way to recognize that your dog looks up to you, respects you, and sees you as their leader.